allows you to track multiple age-related fields for each animal.  Each field has a specific purpose:
  • Birthdate
  • Exact birthdate
  • Age
  • General age

Where do I find it?

The Birthdate, Exact Birthdate, Age and General Age fields are one of the many animal fields that are available for each animal.  To set one of the age fields, edit an animal and look for the field in the Basic Information section.

On this page:

The four age fields work together to help you display the current age of every animal on the animal's description page and to aggregate like aged animals together into special lists, like kittens, puppies, adults, and so on.


This field is for the specific date saved as the animal's birthday.  If you have the exact birthdate of the animal, you can check the Exact Birthdate checkbox.  However, even if you don't know the animal's exact birthdate, we recommend you estimate the birth date.  You can use the Age fields to enter the month, day, and year of the birth date you choose, to have the tool automatically calculate the Birthdate field.


Tapping the calendar icon automatically enters today's date in the Birthdate field.

The date you enter in the Birthdate field is saved and the tool automatically calculates the years/months/days for the animal's age and always displays the current age on your website.

Tapping the Select a Date tool, the icon to the right of the Birthdate field, brings up a calendar that you can use to select the animal's birth date.

Exact Birthdate

Check the Exact Birthdate checkbox if you know that the animal was born on the day you selected.  otherwise, use the Birthdate field for an approximation.  


The Age selectors are a tool for filling out the Birthdate field. They are used to determine the animal's birth date by selecting the years, months, and days from the drop-down menus.  For example, if you know the animal is 10 days old, select 10 in the Days drop down.  The birthdate will automatically be calculated for you.

General Age

The General Age selector is a drop-down menu with common ages like Baby, Young, Adult, and Senior.  This field is exported to the adoption listing websites including and Petfinder.  In addition, using your Website Service features, these selectors determine whether an animal is displayed in one of your special lists.  For instance, if you use  Kittens as a special list, then your Website Service will automatically display any cats there that you have checked Baby in the General Age list.

See the About Animal Settings page to understand how birthdates and exact age are displayed on your Website.  See the Web Site Related section of the settings.

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