4 answers
- 10-1
Nestor I just saw your question and wanted to respond even if a bit late. You do have limited access to change the CSS for the Free Adoption Toolkit. However, if you are comfortable coding on your own you could work directly with our API service. See that information here: API Developers Guide Home
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Hi Harriet
Are we able to format the toolkit html and css ( so we can make it responsive on the display end)
if so where can we edit the render?
ThanksAdd your comment... - 10-1
I'm interested in this option, too. I'm also going to look into RG's website service. Thanks for asking the question.
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Hi Heather,
You can display your animal lists from RescueGroups.org on external web sites using our Free Pet Adoption Toolkit. Creating a toolkit involves selecting a layout, filling out a form to describe what is included in your toolkit, and selecting the fields to include, among other choices.
Read about the advantages of using the Toolkit here: https://rescuegroups.org/services/pet-adoption-toolkit/
Instructions for using it can be found here: Using the Pet Adoption Toolkit
Hope this helps
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