Visitors to your website can request meetings with the animals they like. If you have enabled this feature (Animals > Settings > Website Related Settings), then a link will display on each animal's web page (Animal Detail page) which a visitor can click to request a meeting.

Where do I find it?

You can see all of the Meet Requests from a particular contact by clicking the Meet Requests link at the top of the contact page. Just click the number in parenthesis next to Meet Requests.

On this page:

Related pages:

For your visitors to submit a request to meet an animal, you must first manage some preliminary settings. Animal meeting requests are closely tied to Events and Locations, so these two features must be enabled and filled in:
  1. Enable Events. (See the chapter, About Events for more information about Events.)
  2. Add an Event.
  3. Enable the Meet Request feature.

Enabling Events

To use the Events feature, you must enable its use:

  1. Go to Features > Events > Settings.
  2. Click the Yes radio button under Enable the Events feature.
  3. Click Save.

Adding Locations

Every event must have a Location. To learn more about Locations and how to use them, see the chapter About Locations

You can find the Locations page by going to Features > Locations.

You can add a location from the Home page of your account using the Quick Links.

Enabling the Meet Request feature

Before you enable the Meet Request feature, enable Events and add an Event. See the chapter About Events for more information about using the Events feature. Once Events are enabled and at least one event is added, when you enable the Meet Request feature, this message will appear at the bottom of the animal detail page.

Contact Meet Requests are closely tied to Events and to Locations. For more information about Events, see the About Events chapter, and for more information about Locations, see About locations. You may also want to read the chapter about About Animal Meet Requests.

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