
We need to be able to assign a call to volunteers who handle those types of inquiries - how is that done from the call log?

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    1 answer



      This is how to manage calls and assign calls to volunteers.

      About calls#Howcallsaremanaged



      1. Eunice Officer

        Thank you- I have read the instructions carefully and am still not sure how to get this to work for us.  Michel and I tested the reply functions to these inquiries.  It seems that when I respond to the initial request, it goes to the email they provide (but can take quite a while, although my notifications to my gmail are instantaneous).  HOWEVER, WHEN THEY REPLY TO MY RESPONSE IT GOES TO THE GENERAL SAR EMAIL, not back to the call log.  Same if I forward to the person who needs to respond's personal email (where they can send attachments if needed), and they reply using the inquirer's provided email; the inquirer's response goes to the general SAR gmail (which is monitored by someone who will not ever know who that needs to go to - unless they can guess by the reply).  Because of the difficulties with this so far, we are removing the contact form until we can figure this out - but I am wondering if we will have similar difficulties with the online forms and where that info needs to go?  Any assistance is greatly appreciated!!

      2. Michelle [RG]

        Eunice, since this is an account specific question, please be sure to open a support ticket.



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