The Website Summary contains basic information about your web site, including renewal date, number of pictures and users, and numbers of alerts (favorites, news, events).

Where do I find it?

You can find the Website Summary page by going to Reports > Reports List and clicking Website Summary. Scroll down to the W's and find Website Reports and beneath it, Website Summary.

The Website Summary page shows the following information:
  • Renewal Date: This date is when your next contract year begins. Your yearly donation will be requested before this date.
  • Animal Pictures: A total count of how many animal pictures you have uploaded to your web site.
  • Registered Users: How many visitors have registered on your web site. You can export information about your registered users on the Registered Users Export page.
  • Favorite Breeds: Total count of how many favorite breeds have been recorded by registered users. This count is across all partner web sites. You can see more detailed information on the Favorite Breeds page.
  • Favorite Animals: Total number of favorite animals that have been recorded by registered users on your web site. You can see more detailed information on the Favorite Animals page.
  • News Alerts: Number of registered users who have requested to receive an email alert when you add a new news item.
  • Event Alerts: Number of registered users who have requested to receive an email alert when you add a new event.
  • Number of Visitors Currently on your Web site: Shows the number of unique visitors you have had in the past ten minutes (including you). You can see more web site statistics on the Web Site Stats page.

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