
What are the privacy options?  What does the public see?  How is that information shared?

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      The following answer is an overview of the privacy-related settings and options that are available to users of the RescueGroups.org service.

      Organization contact information

      RescueGroups.org provides several options to protect organization contact information.  Go to the Organization Contact Information page under Account Administration to adjust these settings.

      1. Your organization's information is not shared with any organizations until you enable your exports
      2. Organization's street address can be hidden from the public by selecting Prevent organization's street address from showing on website
      3. Organization's phone number can be hidden from the public by selecting Make organization's phone number private

      Exports to individual websites and services

      RescueGroups.org gives you control over where your adoptable pet and organization information will be sent.  You can enable or disable individual websites and services at any time (although the onus is on the 3rd party to remove your information in this case).

      Please see the About Animal Exports page for additional information.

      Default settings for exports to new websites and services

      RescueGroups.org provides every organization the ability to enable or disable exports by default.  For example, when a new export is added to the RescueGroups.org system (ex., a new adoption listing website), your settings will be used to determine if your export to that new service should be automatically disabled.

      For additional information please see the Animal Settings page under the heading Preferences for exports to new services and websites.

      The settings are by website/service category.  Not only is RescueGroups.org the only service that allows you to control your exports on a per-website/per-service basis, but it's the only service that allows you to control those exports by category from before the export is even added.

      Caretaker/foster contact information

      Caretaker/foster contact information is only made public under the following conditions:

      1. The Caretaker's contact record is selected as "Caretaker Info Public" (see Contact Fields)
      2. The contact fields are selected as public (see Managing animals caretakers and fosters)

      This way you have control over both which contact fields will be shared (first name, email address, etc) and the specific contacts that will have their information shared.

      Public/shared animal statuses

      By default, only the Available and Adopted animal statuses are public.

      At any time, the organization may change their public animal statuses.

      Please see the Animal Statuses article for additional information.

      Animal Locations

      Each animal can have a specific location selected.

      The location information is shared if the Location is set as Public on the animal record.

      See Listing animals with different physical locations for additional information.

      Animal fields

      Many of the animal fields are private and never shared.  See Animal Fields for additional information.

      The private fields include (but not limited to):

      • Internal ID
      • Origin
      • Journal entries (except when optionally exported for contracts)
      • Colony
      • Transferred To
      • Owner
      • Foster Notes

      Animal-specific privacy

      Each individual animal can be selected to be not accessible to the public.  This can be accomplished in one or more of the following ways:

      1. Change the animal's status to one that is not selected as Public (see Public/shared animal statuses above)
      2. Change the Do Not Sync option
      3. Unselect the Adopt-a-Pet.com and/or Petfinder export account (the animal will still be exported via the RescueGroups.org API)

      Other animal-related privacy settings

      See the Privacy Settings section on the Animal Settings page.

      Animal Network

      Only organizations that you approve can view your shared pets in the Animal Network. See Using the Network feature for additional information.

      An Animal Network Partner may be able to see animal statuses that you have not specifically marked as public.

      Only the animals that you have marked as "Shared" will be visible to your approved Partnerships in the Animal Network.

      Do Not Adopt list

      Your organization can select if they would like to share their Do Not Adopt list.

      See How do I use the Do Not Adopt feature? for additional information.

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