Launching the app for the first time

When launching the app for the first time, you'll be asked to enter:

  • Your account number.

  • Your username and password.  This is the same username and password you use to sign in to your account.

After successfully signing in, an index is created using all the animals in your account.  The time required varies on the number of animals.  A progress dialog is displayed with the total of animals, and percentage completed.  The next time you start the app, only the changes are downloaded.

Any change you make to an animal in the app is changed immediately in your account.

Once the index is built,  a list of animals is displayed along with thumbnails.  Initially, only animals with the status of "Intake", and “Available” are displayed.  Select Settings from the menu (upper right corner of the screen) and choose which animal status should be displayed each time you start the app.  For instance, you might want to select Intake, Available, Pending, Hold, and Treatment. See the chapter Using the management app for Android for information about how to perform each function.

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