Once you upload a collection of photographs to your website, you can add them to a collection, such as a recent fundraiser, or "black dogs," or really, anything you like.

You can enable the Photo Gallery feature on the Admin > Settings > Web Site page.  You can add a gallery by going to More > Photo Galleries.

On the Photo Gallery web page you can delete existing galleries, or click edit to rename a gallery.

Adding a photo gallery

Editing a photo gallery

Deleting a photo gallery

Uploading a picture to a gallery

To add a picture to the Photo Gallery, click the Add a Photo link next to the appropriate gallery.

  • Name: Enter a name for the picture.
  • Order in the Gallery: Select from the drop down list where in the list of pictures you want this new picture to appear
  • Picture: Click the browse button and select the picture you want to upload
  • Description: Enter a description for the picture, typically explaining what is in the picture, the event, the people, etc.

Reordering gallery photos

Removing a picture from a gallery