1 answer
- 10-1
Hi there!
You can use AVID for MicrochipID, and a request has been made through support to eventually add it to the list.
The manufacturer is not terribly important as far as the entry goes. The number is the key. RescueGroups.org does not register the microchip with the manufacturer, but rather with a national, no cost registry called FreePetChipRegistry.com.
So for all intents and purposes, the manufacturer is more for your own tracking purposes and should not impact your ability to register the chip. There is once exception to this, which are prepaid Petlink/Datamars chips that start with 98102. They can be registered directly to the manufacturer if configured to do so in your account. That is generally used when rescues/shelters microchip their own animals and have an account with Petlink/Datamars.
Thank you!
- Ashley Danley
What about Fetch ID? Which MicrochipID would we use for that one? Can it be added to the list as well?
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We purchased MICROCHIP ID brand microchips and they aren't listed on the drop-down for microchip vendor.