
I'm using the below POST request with the {{}} values filled in properly. I've tried many different picture URLs, all returning the 1002 error code.


And this is the response I get back

    "status": "error",
    "messages": {
        "generalMessages": [],
        "recordMessages": [
                "status": "error",
                "ID": "",
                "messageID": "1002",
                "messageCriticality": "error",
                "messageText": "Failed to save the record."
    "foundRows": 0,
    "data": []

Also the sample image from the documentation returns an "Access Denied" - see attached photo.

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    2 answers



      I just tested the call to addPictureUrl and couldn't find a problem.

      I have a few thoughts - first, are you using the Production API or Test? Also, since the sample image no longer exists at the URL, trying to add the image to an animal won't work. The image must be publicly accessible. We'll work on updating that sample, but you can substitute for one of your own pictures that is publicly accessible.

      If you continue to have problems even with a public image you might want to check out the dev group on Google Groups here: Google Groups

      It would be helpful to understand your entire request (including the Animal ID) so that we can try to reproduce the issue. You can open a support ticket and provide the complete request if you continue to have an issue and the Google Group doesn't help.

      Hope that helps,


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        I'm using the Production API. I'm going through random images of cats and finding random ones that don't work - so they were public.

        So what is strange is that the URLs  it is now working with the same Animal ID. I suspect it was a transient error. I'll keep an eye out if it happens again and open a support ticket.

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