Hi, it would be great to be able to customize the fields, size of Kennel cards and print multiple to a page. Today we export the fields from Rescuegroups, merge the pictures and use mailmerge to print out our kennel cards. We get many animals in on transport day and need to print out all the kennel cards for the new arrivals.

Carolyn Paddock-Moore

  1. Richard [RG]
    The kennel cards are more the size of billboard signs. Way, way too big for kennel cards. What in the world would anyone do with an 8-1/2 x 11 kennel card? A card is 3-1/2 x 5 or 4 x 5. If you hung an 8-1/2 x 11 sign on a cage you would not be able to see the animal. PLEASE make a size option for the kennel cards so the are useable as cage cards. Ed Denton
  2. Jeri Fontenot

    It appears no work is being done on making the Kennel Card customizable as far as fields or size are concerned?

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5 answers


    I too would like a customizable kennel card. The useless kennel card here is forcing me to still enter my data into another data entry system (MS Access) just to print out a nice front page for our adopters to give them the dog's paperwork when they adopt a dog. We give them all the vet records we have with a nice cover sheet with all the dates of vaccines, de-worming, spay/neuter, dental surgery, etc. We even pay for the "data" service and still can't get a nice report to use.

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      I agree we need customizable kennel card.  In addition to them being too big, many of mine print out on two pages rendering them even more useless.  It would be great if we could customize the content and size for what we need.

      Thank you

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        Our dogs are on display (at adoption events) and the 'kennel card' is required at our vendor adoption partner.  the current layout is adequate for that. but when my puppies go to Foster-to-adopt, I'd like that kennel card to display the NEXT DUE and DUE BY and reminder dates so I can make sure the foster has a 'guide' 

        We DEFINITELY need customizable kennel cards

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          I would also like the ability to make a polished single animal document/report (like the Kennel Card) that I could add logos and other text to.  What I need is an adoption contract that draws info from the database.  I understand that a CSV export might make this possible, but I need something that any team member could quickly print without a lot of extra steps.  Is there another method out there that I'm overlooking?

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            I actually like the current Kennel Card with journal notes to give to the adopters as it shows the medical information we have entered as well as an overview of the microchip and info about the dog. "Kennel Card" is not a good name for it though. I would like a true kennel card or adoption flyer. That includes a few pics, name, breed, age, bio. This we could use at off site adoption events.

            1. Andrea Jaffrey

              How do you get the Kennel Card with Journal Notes? My Kennel Cards do not show any Journal Entries

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