We have updated our API Terms of Service. Please review the entire terms before continuing to use the API. Your use of the API means you accept and agree to the updated API Terms of Service found here: https://rescuegroups.org/api-terms-of-service/


The getSettings and updateSettings actions are explained in the common actions article and are not duplicated here.

Action add

$data = array(
	"token" => $token,
	"tokenHash" => $tokenHash,
	"objectType" => "users",
	"objectAction" => "add",
	"values" => array(
			"userLogin" => "testingUserName",
			"userPassword" => "abc123",
			"userFirstname" => "test",
			"userLastname" => "user via api",
			"userEmail" => "testuser@yahoo.com",
			"userContactID" => "2000131",
			"userType" => "Website",

Action edit

$data = array(
	"token" => $token,
	"tokenHash" => $tokenHash,
	"objectType" => "users",
	"objectAction" => "edit",
	"values" => array(
			"userID" => "9876",
			"userLogin" => "testingEditUserName",
			"userEmail" => "testuser@yahoo.com",
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