The following relationships are available:

  • Baby/Offspring
  • Companion
  • Parent/Surrogate
  • Sibling

Adding a relationship

To add a relationship, navigate to the animal's web page by going to Animals > Animal List and scrolling to the animal or searching for the animal. or you can find the animal through a search from the home page. See the chapter Searching your account for more information on how to search for an animal. Once you find the animal, click the name to open their web page, then click the Relationships link.

To add a sibling, baby, parent, or companion, click the Add a Relationship for this Animal button. Notice in this example, we searched for and opened the page for Troy. We've already added one of Troy's siblings, Mojave. To add another sibling or a parent, click the Add a Relationship for this Animal button. The list of relationships shows the name of the related animal, the relationship to Troy, and whether they need to be adopted together.

Once you've clicked the Add a Relationship for this Animal button, a very short form opens.

  1. The animal's name should appear in the top field, the Animal ID field. If not, select from the drop-down list. 
  2. Select the related animal from the second drop-down list.
  3. Select the type of relationship.
  4. Click the radio button for adopting together (Yes) or not (No).
  5. Save.

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