You can set notifications for billing and account alerts.

Where do I find it?

You can find the Billing Settings page by going to Services > Account Administration and clicking Billing Information.


On this page:

Related pages:

The following actions are available for Billing Settings with the specified service and user roles:




User Roles


Able to view the billing settings


Accounting Admin
Site Admin

Manage Settings

Able to change the billing settings


Accounting Admin
Site Admin

The following are the settings available on the Billing Information page.

Billing Notification Address(es)

Enter the email address or addresses you want to use for billing and account-related alerts.  You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas, like:,

Typically you’ll want your treasurer to receive an alert when a new invoice or payment is posted, or if your account is overdue.

In addition to the Billing Notification Address(es) all Authorized Contacts on the account also will receive notices.  If you need to find out who your Authorized Contacts are, or update your Authorized contacts please contact support so they can best advise you on how to do so:

Updating your organization contact and billing information video

We have a video that explains the process of updating your billing information.


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