When your account was created, the person who requested the account was given the authorization to manage the account, including adding and removing services and closing the account. This individual may also have provided an alternate authorized contact. Please note, an authorized contact always has (or can obtain) full Site Admin permissions. The individual is not required to have security permissions in your account to be an Authorized contact, and cannot be removed as an Authorized contact by deleting their RescueGroups.org user account. 

If this individual is no longer available for your organization, you need to submit a Change of Authority request to us in order to change the Authorized contacts on the account. 

Your Change of Authority request will remove the Site Admin role from all users except the new Authorized Contact. The Authorized Contact will then need to add the Site Admin Role back to the appropriate users.  For more information on adding roles see our guide here: Assigning roles and permissions and for more information on permissions see our guide here: About roles, security, and permissions. 

To request a Change of Authority:

  1. Complete and submit the form found here: 
    The form looks like this:      

  2. After submitting the request form, a page displays giving you further instructions.
    It looks like this:

  3. Now, print the included PDF file on organization letterhead and be sure to sign it.

    Remember to sign the form at the bottom.

  4. Scan or photograph the letter you printed and email our support team with your Change of Authorization request and be sure this information is attached. If you have an open support ticket on the topic, you can simply reply to the ticket with this attachment.

    You are also welcome to mail or fax your signed Change of Authorization as well, but this will take longer to process.   

The COA will be processed as soon as we receive a hard copy OR a scanned version of your official request. 

When processing a COA request, our staff will attempt to confirm that the new authorized person is officially associated with the organization. If we are unable to do so through public records, we may reach out with a request for additional documentation. 

Email to:


Fax to:


Mail to:

Please be aware that our mailing address has recently changed (September 2024).

    1121 Annapolis Rd PMB 145
    Odenton, MD 21113-1633

Your Change of Authority request will not be processed until we receive your paperwork. Your paperwork must include the printed COA form on organization letterhead or it will not be processed.

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