You can find contacts easily by doing a search for them using the Contacts Search page.

Where do I find it?

You can find the Contacts Search page by going to Contacts > Search.

On this page:

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Alternate ways to Search for a Contact

There are several ways to search for contacts.

Using Search Site

On the left side of the page, there is a quick search box. You can enter what you would like to search for (name, email address etc.), then select Contacts from the drop down and click Go!

Searching from the Contacts List

From the Contacts List, you can click on the search icon above the contacts data table.

Searching Specific Fields in the Data Table View.

You can search for a contact from the contacts data table by clicking on the little search icon on the right side of the data table which will open up fields for you to search.

Depending on your Data Table View, you may have more fields to search. You can also create a custom data table view and search on fields in that view.

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