Your website has several built-in layouts for you to choose from.  You can preview them before saving them to make them public, so you can change your layout from one to the other to find the one that suits your organization best.

Where do I find it?

You can find the Layouts page by going to Website > Layouts.

The following actions are available for Web Pages and Content with the specified service and user roles:




User Roles


Able to view the available layouts

Web Site

Site Admin only


Web Site

Site Admin only

Where do I find it?

You can find the Layouts page by going to Website > Layouts.

The following actions are available for Web Pages and Content with the specified service and user roles:




User Roles


Able to view the available layouts

Web Site



Web Site

Site Admin only

Choosing a layout

By choosing a layout, you can decide how your website will look. Choosing an attractive layout and color combination is a key ingredient in attracting visitors to your website and making them come back in the future. For an explanation of each of the pre-made layouts, see Selecting a website layout.

Choose a layout that has all of the features you are planning to use.  For example, if you plan to use banners for advertising, or a featured animal, make sure to choose a layout that uses those features.

When selecting foreground and background colors, use colors that contrast and look attractive together.  Make sure to also select link colors that are easy to read when applied to the different background colors you have selected.

Click the Use this Layout button to select a layout to use.  Your public web site will immediately change to use the layout you selected.

If you are using a custom layout (built and/or set up for your site by, you should not change your layout.  If you do change your layout away from your custom layout, you will not be able to change your site back to your custom layout without contacting Support.

Want to learn more about website customization? See the Advanced Website Customization chapter in this guide.

Do you need help in customizing your website layout? Fill out a support ticket and website design team can help you to customize your website from the layouts provided.

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