Optionally, you can grab email from an email mailbox and automatically add Calls.

When email is downloaded, the subject will be scanned to determine if the email is a new thread, or a continuation of an existing thread. If the email is a continuation, the body of the email will be added to the existing call.

Adding an email account

To use this feature, first add an email account. Go to Features > Calls > Email Grab and click Add an Email Grab Account.  Enter a name for the account, the email server's hostname (server name) and your username and password.

Configuring email folders to process

Once you have added an account, you can add folders to be downloaded. A Call is created for each email that is downloaded. The Call is added to the assigned Queue and Category. To add a folder to download, click Folders next to the appropriate account. Select the folder, default queue and default category. You can also choose if you want to delete the message after the call is added.