Once you create an email marketing campaign, you need to add contacts in order to send it out.  These contacts are called subscribers. You cannot add subscribers directly to an email marketing campaign. You add subscribers to Categories. There are three categories: Events, Fundraisers, and Newsletters. Email campaigns are associated with one of those three categories, and so when an email campaign is sent out, it will be sent to the subscribers for that category.

You can add contacts as subscribers for email marketing campaigns by adding them in one of several ways:

  • Adding contacts directly
  • Adding a contact group
  • Adding a contact subscription
  • Adding subscribers by importing names

Where do I find it?

Each category of email marketing campaigns has its own menu for adding contacts. To reach the menu, go to Services > Email Marketing Campaigns > Categories and then select the category for the campaign to which you are adding contacts.

On this page:

Adding contacts to a category for use in a campaign

If you have created contacts from those who've been in contact with your organization, such as adopters, fosters, or donors, you have ready-made contacts to add to a category for use in an email marketing campaign.

  • Any contacts already in the campaign category would not be added again.
  • Any contacts marked as "Do not mail" will not be added.
  • Any contacts that have opted out of their subscription for this campaign category will remain opted o

Video- How to Add Subscribers to an Email Marketing Campaign

Here is a video that can walk you through all the ways to add your Subscribers to your Email Marketing Campaign.

Adding Subscribers- From the category menu

To add a contact to a campaign category from that category's menu:

  1. Navigate to the event through Services > Email Marketing Campaigns > Categories.
  2. Click the category for your campaign

.You will see the list of the campaigns for that category. In this example, we clicked Events.

Add Subscriptions to your Category (4 ways)

Subscriptions can be added to your category in one of 4 ways, remember in this example, we clicked Events.

    1. Add Subscriptions from Contacts opens a list of all of your contacts.  You can select as many or few of the contacts as you want. Then select Add to Campaign from the drop-down Actions menu.

    2. Add a Subscription allows you to fill out a form to add an individual contact or name to a subscription for a category, in this case, Events.  Type the email address, first and last name, and salutation, then use the radio button to select either plain text or HTML email.

    3. Add a Group adds an entire group as subscribers to your event or category.  


      If you add more people to the contact group at a later time, you need to re-add the group to the category. For instance, if you have a recurring campaign, such as a fundraiser, and you use the group Donor, re-add the group each time you send the fundraiser out so as to catch any new members.

    4. Import Subscriptions allows you to import a csv (Comma Separated Values) file as subscribers to a campaign category.  Clicking the Import Subscriptions button allows you to select the file from your computer or cloud service.  Click Choose File, select the file to upload and click OK.  Click Save to upload the file and import the subscribers.

      The first line of the file should be a header row and the columns should be designated for the following fields: email, salutation,firstname,lastname.  The field names used in the header row of the CSV are case sensitive.

      Example of the data file format:

      "email","salutation","firstname","lastname" "recentadopter@gmail.com","Ms.","Jane","Adopter"

      Adding Subscribers- From the campaign name

      You can add email addresses from your Contacts to your Email Marketing Campaign:

      1. Go to Services > Email Marketing: Campaigns. Below the menu is a list of all your email marketing campaigns. Of course, if this is your first, there will only be one in the list.

      2. Click the campaign Name. A new menu displays.

      3. Click Events Subscriptions.  Another new menu displays.  This essentially takes you to the campaign category described above.

NOTE: You can verify that you are in the correct category by the breadcrumb trail at the top of the page, which gives you a link to each segment in the navigation to this point. In this case, we are adding subscribers to the category Events for the new campaign.

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