We have applications dating back to 2017.  Is there an efficient way to purge or store them? 

Thank you.

Susan Stanbery

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    1 answer



      Thanks for the question.  We do recommend having as many forms as possible put into a non-open status so that the Default view of the Submitted Forms list loads efficiently as possible.  While we don't purge forms the non-open statuses could be considered a type of storage as they do not show on the default view.   I've linked our guide below about how we recommend handling statuses on a day to day bases for more information.

      What is the recommended way to handle Submitted Form statuses?

      If you have a lot of forms in an open status our operations team is likely able to help bulk close them for you.  Please have a Site Admin for your organization contact support and request this closure.  We at support can then look at your specific account and guide you.  Here is a link to our support page for convenience: https://rescuegroups.org/support/



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