
I need to link the Animal and Adoptions Table to the Chip Registration Tables to be able to clean up many registrations that show an error state. I cannot see any way to do this.

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    4 answers



      Let me try to reach you via phone.  I can walk you thru the fields for the reports, as you will need to set this up for your database.

      I am NOT an employee with RG, but an end user with another rescue group in the Carolinas.


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        Sorry to hear that your organization is having issues with microchip registrations! You can read the recommended process for removing previous adopter registrations in our User Guide here: 

        How to use the automatic microchip registration feature (includes how to Enable, Register, Troubleshoot, Retry registrations and common registration errors)

        Currently, the status of microchip registry attempts is not available for use in our Custom Reports, so you would not be able to gather the exact information you listed. Please consider adding a feature request to improve our Reports feature for your team:

        How can I submit a feature request or idea for an improvement to the RescueGroups.org services?



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          I need the Cat Name, Rescue ID number, Animal Name, Adopter's name, address, city, state, zip, phone, email1 and email 2, adoption date ,chip # , chip registration Success or failure, registration date.

          Preferably in an Excel format or CSV. 

          Long story but data entry person was messing up for about 250 registrations that were never done and also we show over 100 registration errors due to returned cats being adopted to new owners but registration is to old owners. I will work that out with the registrar, Free Pet Chip Registry.com

          Thank you, Rob

          1. Barbara Spickard

            I can access all, but the Microchip Registry Status.

            Interested in the fix!

          2. Robert L McIntosh

            Yes I am interested.

          3. Robert L McIntosh

            On Jun 28 mentioned that you were able to get everything but reg status.

            Can you run that out for me as it will get me most of the way there.

            Robert McIntosh



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          Are you wanting to find out what microchips are missing from the records, or attach adopters to the microchip?

          Do you need adopter's addresses with the names?

          Do you just need a report, or something other?

          We run reports to find out what is missing, and it will link to the missing records to enter, once the chip has been done.  It is easy to work from the report and go back and forth until all missing items are entered.

          Let me know if that helps, and I can give more details.

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