
Can I add a quote or some other introduction before the questions start on an on-line form?  For instance, on the Volunteer form I would like the first line of the form to read "There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer" ~ James Doolittle

  1. Candy Sullivan

    I think if you open your online form, there is Form Submission Comment and I think that is where your quote would go so that when people open the form, it will display your comments there.

  2. Kathy LaValley

    Thank you Candy..I added the Form Submission Comment and it still didn't appear.  After filling out the form myself, I see the comment is sent to the person submitting the form via email.  That works for me.  Thanks again

  3. Richard [RG]

    The Form Submission Comment is sent to the user when they submit the application.  You want to use the Form Introduction as Michelle mentioned in the accepted answer below.

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1 answer



    You can do this by editing the Form Introduction.

    1. Go to Features > Online Forms
    2. Click on the "name of your form"
    3. Click "View and update the form introduction here."
    4. Click Save Content when done.
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