
We are not tracking adoptions through the Adoptions feature, but we need a report of all of the animals we have adopted out.  Is this possible?

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    1 answer


      The best way to do this is with a custom report on Animals, since you're not using the Adoptions tracking feature of the Data Management service. Here are the steps to creating the report:

      Login to your account at https://rescuegroups.org.
      Click Reports > Reports List.
      Click Create a Custom Report.
      Select Animals and click Next Step.
      Select the fields you want to include in the report (ex., Name,
      Click Next Step.

      To include only the pets with a status of Adopted you'll need to add a
      filter on the Animal Status field:
      Click Add a filter.
      In the Field drop down select Animals: Status
      In the Operation drop down select Equals.
      In the Criteria box check Adopted.
      Click Save View Filter.

      Click Run Report.

      If you'd like you can save the report to come back to it later.

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