
I want to add a volunteer to my account so they can help my keep my pets up-to-date.

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    1 answer


      It's important that you follow the instructions below only if the person does not already have a Login with your account.

      If they do already have a Login you can follow these instructions: What is the simplest way to give an existing volunteer permissions to my account?

      If the person is completely new, do this to give them a Login with permissions to your account:

      1. Login to your Manage account (https://manage.rescuegroups.org).
      2. Click Contacts > User Login Accounts.
      3. Click on Register a User.
      4. Fill in the required information. Note: You can pick any username for them and they can change their username after they login.

      5. Select Volunteer for the Registration Type.

      6. Click Register User.  They will receive an email with the username you designated for them and a temporary password.

      7. Click Roles. If the user has no roles it will show Roles (0).
      8. Click on Grant a Role to this user to add permissions.
      9. Pick a Role from the drop down and click Save User Role.
      10. Repeat for each Role you want to grant the person.

      The most commonly used Roles are:

      • Volunteer - has basic/view access to contacts and animals
      • Animal Admin - can manage everything about your pets
      • Animal Foster Update - can update their own foster pets
      • Site Admin - can manage everything about the service, including permissions

      For a complete list of the Roles you can grant, so this page: Roles - Security and Permissions

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