
According to the documentation: "Your organization's forms will appear to the visitor on their Forms page and on your site menu. " However, I do not see my form on my menu.

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    1 answer


      If you are using the default menu, the form will appear on the Forms webpage on your menu.

      If you have created and activated a custom menu, you can either add the Forms web page to your menu, or you can add a menu item, and link directly to the form.

      1. Login to manage.rescuegroups.org and go to Website > Menus.
      2. Next to your custom menu, click on the number under menu items to edit your menu items.

      Option 1: Adding the Forms webpage to show all of your forms on one web page. 

      1. Click Add an Item to this Web Menu
      2. For Menu Item, select the Web page: Forms
      3. Select the placement and level
      4. Click Save Web Menu Item

      Option 2: To show a specific form on your menu - like your Adoption Application

      1. Click Add an Item to this Web Menu
      2. Click the green Add icon next to menu item to create a new menu item for the specific form
      3. Name:  what you see,
      4. Text: is what the user sees
      5. Destination url: select your form (it's toward the top).
      6. Click Save.
      7. Then you can specify placement, level and save the menu item
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