We do not store our email database on rescuegroups.org, finding it more convenient to maintain it as spreadsheet and upload each time we do a mailing. It's easier to "control F" to locate people who opt out of mailings, etc., as well as input new information, as we do not have much info to enter, generally, besides name and email address. So, here comes the suggestion..it would really be helpful if it is possible to select "all" subscriptions for removal. The way it currently works is we can set options to "show max" but that only allows 250 to be removed at a time and we have over 3,000 addresses. A fail-safe could be included - "are you sure you want to delete ALL subscriptions?" or something to that effect.
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    1 answer


      Mary, thanks for the suggestion. We can certainly consider this for the future, but our service is really designed for individuals to be able to manage their mailing list memberships themselves. It's not meant to be managed externally... one of the main benefits is that people can add/remove themselves without taking your time to manage the list.

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