
Provide additional space for a 2nd adopter on the contact page … roommates, fiance’s, unmarried partners … as well as additional space for cell phones for each person.

Shirley Thompson

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    1 answer


      We have created a request for improvement to seek out a way to add additional contact information when it comes to adoptions.  Due to the way that contact information is used for reporting, we will need to look at how to make this work best considering the additional dependencies that contacts relate to.

      CMTY-312 - Add additional field to Contact Add for adopters with different names Open

      If you would like to watch the JIRA improvement request or upvote it, you can log into the JIRA system with the same username and password as you use for this Question & Answer feature.  If you need a username and password for that, you can receive one here:  Sign Up for Access to UserGuide, JIRA, and Stash

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