October 5, 2019

The (beta) v5 API has been updated with major changes including:

May 24th, 2014

The Test server has been updated with the following changes:


animalPictures response has been updated to allow us to return an unlimited number of variants of each picture.  Currently you can expect to find the following picture types:

original: this is a new picture type, and will be the original uploaded image (no limit on size or dimensions) starting 5/1/2014.  For pictures uploaded before then, it will be identical to the "large" picture.

large: this used to be the fullsize picture, and should be 500px wide.

small: this used to be the thumbnail, and should be 100px width.

[animalPictures] => Array
	[0] => Array
		[mediaID] => 17406072
		[mediaOrder] => 1
		[lastUpdated] => 9/11/2013 1:53 PM
		[original] => Array
			[fileSize] => 43791
			[resolutionX] => 500
			[resolutionY] => 664
			[url] => https://s3.amazonaws.com/filestore.rescuegroups.org/1858/pictures/animals/6039/6039419/17406072_500x664.jpg
		[large] => Array
			[fileSize] => 43791
			[resolutionX] => 500
			[resolutionY] => 664
			[url] => https://s3.amazonaws.com/filestore.rescuegroups.org/1858/pictures/animals/6039/6039419/17406072_500x664.jpg
		[small] => Array
			[fileSize] => 
			[resolutionX] => 100
			[resolutionY] => 132
			[url] => https://s3.amazonaws.com/filestore.rescuegroups.org/1858/pictures/animals/6039/6039419/17406072_100x132.jpg

