Usable fields

Any field in the object's search definition can be used in a filter.

Filter operations

If you want to filter by multiple values (for example, you want to retrieve all pets that are either Baby or Young), you can use the equals operation, and provide an array for the criteria.  So, animalGeneralAge equals array("Baby","Young").  An array in the criteria is handled similar to an "in" clause.



The criteria for a filter should match the data/field type (see data types on the HTTP API field properties and data types page).

Leading and trailing spaces are trimmed from the criteria.

There are some special cases:

Filter processing

Filter processing is an advanced feature, and is not required. If you do not include the filterProcessing property to your searches, the filters will be evaluated with "and" (i.e, 1 and 2 and 3, etc.).

The HTTP API provides a very powerful way to perform advanced searches.

The method involves sending a string representation of how the filters you provided should be evaluated.

In the following example, we want to search for either small dogs or cats.  The filters below specify all of the criteria:

"filters" => array(
    "fieldName" => "animalSpecies",
    "operation" => "equals",
    "criteria" => "dog",
    "fieldName" => "animalGeneralSizePotential",
    "operation" => "equals",
    "criteria" => "small",
    "fieldName" => "animalSpecies",
    "operation" => "equals",
    "criteria" => "cat",

In order to tell the API to process the filters so that we get small dogs and cats, we would include the filterProcessing value:

"filterProcessing" => "(1 and 2) or 3",

The first filter is represented by "1" in the filterProcessing string, the second by "2" and so on. Even if you send the filters as 0 1, etc, the filterProcessing string must use 1, 2, etc.

Radius searches

Some objects, including animals, organization and events, allow for a radius search.  For example, a radius search for animals could find adoptable animals that are within a certain number of miles of a specific zip/postal code.

The following is an example of filters that would search for organizations within 90 miles of the 90210 zip code:

"filters" => array(
    "fieldName" => "orgLocationDistance",
    "operation" => "radius",
    "criteria" => "90",
    "fieldName" => "orgLocation",
    "operation" => "equals",
    "criteria" => "90210",

You can sort the results by the distance field so that you can show the closest results at the top of the list.