To use a custom email message:

  1. Click Add a Message from the Web Site > Web Site Messages page.  
  2. Enter a Name for the custom email message.  
  3. Select the way the email message should be sent: text or HTML (HTML coming soon).  
  4. Enter the Subject and Body of the custom email message.  
  5. Click Save Message.

Once you have created a custom email message, you can assign that new email message to any of the available events.  To assign a message, click Message Assignments from the Site Email Messages page.

Creating messages and setting message assignments

On the Message Assignments page, you can select the message to use for each of the following web site messages.  You can also enter a custom from email address.  If you do not enter a from address the message will be sent from your organization's email address.

Contacts, Registration Invitation

Select the email message you want to send to people you add as contacts on your website, and choose to send them a registration invitation.  This email message should invite the person to register on your website, and should include a link to your site.

Online Form Applicant Contact

Select the email message you want to load on the Contact Applicant page.  This email will act as a template which can be changed before it’s sent.

Inventory Loan Due Date Reminder

Select the email message you want to send to contacts who have an upcoming due date for a borrowed/loaned inventory item.

Sponsorship Thank You Message

Select the email message you want to send to people when you add/confirm an animal sponsorship.

Sponsorship Expiration Message

Select the email message you want to send to people when a sponsorship is expiring.