The template includes the layout, design, and colors that will be used for the email.  After you select a template you can change those design elements and add text and graphics.

The Email Marketing Templates page lists the built-in templates and the custom templates you create and save.

Previewing a template

To see a preview of a template, click the template's Name.

Selecting a template

To select the template, click Choose under the template you would like to use. (For this example, we have already created a custom template and we are selecting the customized template.)

Once you select a template for a campaign email message, changes to that template will not change any email message that was based on that template.

Saving a campaign email as a template

You can save an existing email as a template by going to Services > Email Marketing: Campaigns, clicking on the Campaign's Name and clicking Save HTML as a Template.

Enter a Name and Description for the new template and click Save.  The new template you created will now appear in the list of templates when selecting a template for a campaign.

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