How to configure a global catch-all email address

You can handle the email sent to non-existent users (email address not found) in one of several ways. One option is to configure a global catch-all email address to use to capture all the undeliverable email. To configure an email address for forwarding this mail, follow these directions:

  1. Log in to the Control Panel.
  2. Click the Mail icon on the left navigation bar if the window didn't open to the Mail area.
  3. Click Mail Settings from the tab at the top.
  4. The list of all the domain names attached to your account displays. Check the domain for which you want to manage the non-existent user emails.
  5. Click the button labeled Mail for Non-Existent Users. A new window opens.

  6. From the new window, you can select one of three things to do to handle the mail from non-existent users. Check the radio button next to the option you would like, either bounce the email back with a set message, reject the email, or create a global catch-all email address to which mail like this is forwarded. You'll notice that the domain which you checked on the previous screen displays beneath the options, next to the heading, Applied to domains.
  7. To forward the email to a catch-all account, select the option Forward to address and type in the address to which you want the email forwarded. You can create a separate email mailbox just for this purpose, if you like. 
  8. Click Ok to save the changes.

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