Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Let's take a look at each of the functions and how they can help you to create your website content. Note that the icons are grouped, five groups on the first line; eight on the second, and two on the third.


SourceThis Source button allows you to switch to the portion HTML code view of the editor where you can use CSScontent you are adding.
PreviewThe Preview button looks like a magnifying glass on paper and allows you to preview the section where you are working.
TemplatesThe Templates button looks like a sheet of paper and opens the available templates you can use on the page.
Code SnippetsThe Code Snippets blue paw print button opens a list of built-in and custom code snippets you can insert on the page.



The Image button looks like a picture and allows you to insert an image into your web page. When you tap the button, a popup box opens:

  • The URL is filled in automatically when you select one of the images in your previously uploaded images. To do so, click down arrow to the right of the field for the Image List. You can also type in the URL of the image you want to insert.
  • Alternative text is text which is read by applications that read web content to the visually impaired. When hovering over the image, you can see the Alternative Text. When using this field, make the content short, but descriptive of the image,

    for instance

    such as, "Dog with bone in mouth."


    Alternate text is also used by search engines to help them to find your webpage. For instance, if you don't fill it in, rather than logo, for instance, it would display "blank."

  • Use the Width, Height, Border, HSpace, VSpace (horizontal and vertical), Alignment fields to adjust the image that you see in the Preview box until it looks as you want it to look.
  • The Alignment field simply aligns the image to the left or right on the page.


The Flash button allows you to insert Flash animation. If you are familiar with Flash animation and want to insert one into your web page, use the tabs and fields to define how it is aligned, how large the image is, the background color, and more.


The Table button, which looks like a text table, allows you to insert a table easily. Define the table using the fields provided:

  • Select the number of rows and columns and whether you want the first or first and second rows in bold face text as a header, and whether the first column should be treated as a header as well. In this table, for instance, the first row and the first column are treated as headers.
  • Select the alignment, left, right, or center.
  • Enter a caption, if desired, to act as a title for the table (it appears above the table), and a summary, if desired, which is also a description.
Horizontal LineThe next button looks like a horizontal line, and is the Horizontal Line button, which inserts a horizontal line where your cursor is placed. It runs across the web page.

The Smiley button, which does look like a smiling emoticon, opens to a menu of smileys which you can select to include in your web page where your cursor is located.

Special Characters

The Special Characters button (an Omega symbol) inserts your selection from a list of special characters such as a copyright symbol, trademark symbol, and so forth.

Insert page break for printingThis button looks like portions of two documents separated by a space. This simply inserts a page break to make printing the information by page easier.
IFrameThe IFrame button is a blue and gray circle at the far right of this group. It is an HTML element that allows an external web page to be embedded in an HTML document. If you think you need this and are unfamiliar with how it works, open a support ticket so we can help you.
