Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The HTTP API provides detailed information concerning object properties. The definition for each object can be retrieved using the define action, as shown in the example below.

Code Block
$data = array(
  "token" => $token,
  "tokenHash" => $tokenHash,
  "objectType" => "animals",
  "objectAction" => "define",





1. define
2. getSettings
3. updateSettings


  • disableAnimalExportAdopted: Prevent adopted animals from being uploaded to Petfinder (string from values list)
  • disableAnimalExportCourtesy: Prevent courtesy animals from being uploaded to other sites (string from values list)
  • disableAnimalExportAnimalWebPageLink: Disable the link to the animal's web page (string from values list)
  • disableAnimalExportWebsiteLink: Disable the link to your organization's website (string from values list)
  • disableAnimalExportAdoptionFormLink: Disable the link to your adoption form (string from values list)
  • enableAnimalExportDescriptionHeader: Include the Animal Description Header in the animal description (string from values list)
  • enableAnimalExportDescriptionFooter: Include the Animal Description Footer in the animal description (string from values list)
  • enableAnimalExportUniqueAnimalID: Use the Animal ID as a Unique ID (string from values list)
  • enableAnimalExportContactFieldFirstname: Show the foster/caretaker's first name (string from values list)
  • enableAnimalExportContactFieldLastname: Show the foster/caretaker's last name (string from values list)
  • enableAnimalExportContactFieldEmail: Show the foster/caretaker's email address (string from values list)
  • enableAnimalExportContactFieldPhoneHome: Show the foster/caretaker's home phone number (string from values list)
  • enableAnimalExportContactFieldPhoneCell: Show the foster/caretaker's cell phone number (string from values list)
  • setAnimalExportYouTubeAccount: Account to use for YouTube video upload (string from values list)
  • **: ()
  • setAnimalExportDefaultCategory1: By default, export to services that list animals for adoption (string from values list)
  • setAnimalExportDefaultCategory4: By default, export to services that list animals for adoption (from non-rescue/shelters) (string from values list)
  • setAnimalExportDefaultCategory3: By default, export to services that list animals for sale by breeder (string from values list)
  • setAnimalExportDefaultCategory2: By default, export to services that list animals for sale by owner (string from values list)
  • setAnimalExportDefaultCategory5: By default, export to services that provide animal related classifieds (string from values list)
  • setAnimalExportDefaultCategory6: By default, export to services that provide animal related community discussion/forums (string from values list)
  • setAnimalExportDefaultCategory8: By default, export to services that provide animal related educational information (string from values list)
  • setAnimalExportDefaultCategory7: By default, export to services that provide animal related news (string from values list)
  • setAnimalExportDefaultCategory13: By default, export to services that provide event calendars (string from values list)
  • setAnimalExportDefaultCategory9: By default, export to services that sell/promote animal related products (food, toys, treats, etc) (string from values list)
  • setAnimalExportDefaultCategory11: By default, export to services that sell/promote animal related services (training, grooming) (string from values list)
  • setAnimalExportDefaultCategory10: By default, export to services that sell/promote non-animal related products (string from values list)
  • setAnimalExportDefaultCategory12: By default, export to services that sell/promote non-animal related services (string from values list)



Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/htdocs/admin/api_docs.php on line 149




1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit
7. delete


  • reasonID: Reason ID (key)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit
7. delete


  • reasonID: Reason ID (key)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit
7. delete


  • reasonID: Reason ID (key)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit
7. delete


  • reasonID: Reason ID (key)



1. define
2. publicList
3. list
4. listActive
5. search


  • speciesID: ID (key)
  • speciesSingular: Singular name (string)
  • speciesPlural: Plural name (string)
  • speciesSingularYoung: Singular young name (string)
  • speciesPluralYoung: Plural young name (string)
  • speciesFullname: Full name (string)



1. define
2. list
3. search


  • statusID: ID (key)
  • statusName: Status name (string)
  • statusDescription: Status description (string)



1. define
2. list

1. define


  • adoptionLeads: Adoption Leads (string)



1. define
2. list

1. define


  • adoptionStatuses: Adoption Statuses (string)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit


  • callID: ID (key)
  • callContactID: Contact (key)
  • callAssignedID: Assigned (key)
  • callStatusID: Status (key)
  • callUrgencyID: Urgency (key)
  • callCategoryID: Category (key)
  • callQueueID: Queue (key)
  • callDate: Call date (datetime)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit
7. delete


  • categoryID: ID (key)



1. define
2. view
3. search
4. add


  • logentryCallID: ID (key)
  • logentryContactID: Contact (key)
  • logentryDate: Date (datetime)
  • logentryOutcomeID: Outcome (key)
  • logentryComments: Comments (string)



1. define
2. list

1. define


  • outcomes: Outcomes (string)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit
7. delete


  • queueID: ID (key)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit
7. delete


  • memberID: ID (key)



1. define
2. list

1. define


  • statuses: Statuses (string)



1. define
2. list

1. define


  • urgencies: Urgencies (string)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit
7. delete


  • colonyID: Colony ID (key)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. delete


  • caretakerID: Caretaker ID (key)



1. define
2. view
3. list
4. listRescues
5. listFosters
6. search
7. add
8. edit
9. delete
10. getSettings
11. updateSettings


  • enableContactsDoNotAdoptListSharing: Share your organization's Do Not Adopt list (string from values list)
  • enableContactsAutoSelectRegistrationInvitation: Automatically select to send Registration Invitation (string from values list)
  • enableContactsAutoSelectCaretakerInfoPublic: Automatically select to set caretaker information public (string from values list)
  • enableAddContactOnlineFormSubmission: Add a Contact record when an Online Form is submitted (string from values list)
  • enableContactsAddContactMeetRequest: Add a Contact record when an Meet Request is submitted (string from values list)
  • enableContactsAddContactCallCreation: Add a Contact record when a Call is created from the Contact Us page (string from values list)
  • enableContactsAddContactAnimalSponsorship: Add a Contact record when an Animal Sponsorship is submitted (string from values list)
  • enableContactsAddContactUserRegistration: Add a Contact record when a user registers (string from values list)



1. define
2. list
3. search
4. view
5. add
6. edit


  • contactfileID: File ID (key)
  • contactfileContactID: ID (key)
  • contactfileDescription: Description (string)
  • contactfileStatus: Status (string from values list)
  • contactfileDisplayInline: Inline (string from values list)



1. define
2. view
3. list
4. search
5. add
6. edit
7. delete


  • groupID: ID (key)



1. define
2. list

1. define


  • country: Country (string)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit
7. delete


  • donationID: Donation ID (key)



1. define
2. list
3. publicView
4. view
5. publicSearch
6. search
7. add
8. edit
9. delete
10. getSettings
11. updateSettings


  • enableEvents: Enable the Events feature (string from values list)
  • setEventsMapWebsite: Map website to use with the Events feature (string from values list)



1. define
2. publicView
3. view
4. publicSearch
5. search
6. add
7. edit
8. delete


  • attendanceID: ID (key)



1. define
2. list
3. search
4. view
5. delete




1. define
2. view
3. search
4. add
5. edit
6. change


  • intakeID: Intake ID (key)
  • intakesBorninrescueshelterAnimalID: Animal (key)
  • intakesBorninrescueshelterAnimalConditionID: Condition (key)
  • intakesBorninrescueshelterDate: Date (datetime)
  • intakesBorninrescueshelterNotes: Notes (string)



1. define
2. view
3. search
4. add
5. edit
6. change




1. define
2. view
3. search
4. add
5. edit
6. change


  • intakeID: Intake ID (key)
  • intakesOwnerrequestedeuthanasiaAnimalID: Animal (key)
  • intakesOwnerrequestedeuthanasiaAnimalConditionID: Condition (key)
  • intakesOwnerrequestedeuthanasiaDate: Date (datetime)
  • intakesOwnerrequestedeuthanasiaNotes: Notes (string)
  • intakesOwnerrequestedeuthanasiaOwnerID: Owner (key)
  • intakesOwnerrequestedeuthanasiaReasonID: Euthanasia Reason (key)



1. define
2. view
3. search
4. add
5. edit
6. change


  • intakeID: Intake ID (key)
  • intakesOwnersurrenderAnimalID: Animal (key)
  • intakesOwnersurrenderAnimalConditionID: Condition (key)
  • intakesOwnersurrenderDate: Date (datetime)
  • intakesOwnersurrenderNotes: Notes (string)
  • intakesOwnersurrenderOwnerID: Surrendered By (key)
  • intakesOwnersurrenderReasonID: Surrender Reason (key)



1. define
2. view
3. search
4. add
5. edit
6. change


  • intakeID: Intake ID (key)
  • intakesServiceAnimalID: Animal (key)
  • intakesServiceAnimalConditionID: Condition (key)
  • intakesServiceDate: Date (datetime)
  • intakesServiceNotes: Notes (string)
  • intakesServiceOwnerID: Owner (key)
  • intakesServiceServicetypeID: Service (key)



1. define
2. view
3. search
4. add
5. edit
6. change


  • intakeID: Intake ID (key)
  • intakesStraydropoffAnimalID: Animal (key)
  • intakesStraydropoffAnimalConditionID: Condition (key)
  • intakesStraydropoffDate: Date (datetime)
  • intakesStraydropoffNotes: Notes (string)
  • intakesStraydropoffFoundLocation: Found Location (string)
  • intakesStraydropoffFoundAddress: Found Street Address (string)
  • intakesStraydropoffFoundCity: Found City (string)
  • intakesStraydropoffFoundState: Found State/Province (province)
  • intakesStraydropoffFoundPostalcode: Found Postal Code (postalcode)
  • intakesStraydropoffFinderID: Dropped off by (key)



1. define
2. view
3. search
4. add
5. edit
6. change


  • intakeID: Intake ID (key)
  • intakesStraypickupAnimalID: Animal (key)
  • intakesStraypickupAnimalConditionID: Condition (key)
  • intakesStraypickupDate: Date (datetime)
  • intakesStraypickupNotes: Notes (string)
  • intakesStraypickupLocation: Pickup Location (string)
  • intakesStraypickupAddress: Pickup Street address (string)
  • intakesStraypickupCity: Pickup City (string)
  • intakesStraypickupState: Pickup State/Province (province)
  • intakesStraypickupPostalcode: Pickup Postal Code (postalcode)
  • intakesStraypickupFinderID: Found By (key)
  • intakesStraypickupStaffID: Pickup By (key)



1. define
2. view
3. search
4. add
5. edit
6. change


  • intakeID: Intake ID (key)
  • intakesTransferAnimalID: Animal (key)
  • intakesTransferAnimalConditionID: Condition (key)
  • intakesTransferDate: Date (datetime)
  • intakesTransferNotes: Notes (string)
  • intakesTransferFromID: Transferred From (key)
  • intakesTransferCoalitionMember: Coalition Member (string from values list)
  • intakesTransferReasonID: Transfer Reason (key)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit
7. delete


  • serviceID: Service ID (key)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit
7. delete


  • inventoryitemID: ID (key)



1. define
2. list

1. define


  • conditions: Condition (string)



1. define
2. list
3. search
4. view
5. add
6. edit


  • inventoryfileID: File ID (key)
  • inventoryfileItemID: Inventory Item (key)
  • inventoryfileDescription: Description (string)
  • inventoryfileStatus: Status (string from values list)
  • inventoryfileDisplayInline: Inline (string from values list)



1. define
2. view
3. search
4. add
5. edit
6. delete


  • inventoryLoanerID: ID (key)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit
7. delete


  • locationID: ID (key)



1. define
2. view
3. search
4. add
5. edit
6. delete
7. getSettings
8. updateSettings


  • enableMemorials: Enable the Memorials feature (string from values list)
  • setMemorialsDonationOnlineStoreItem: Select Memorials donation store item (int)
  • showMemorialsAlphaLinks: Show alphabetical links (A-Z) on the Memorials page (string from values list)



1. define
2. view
3. search
4. add
5. getSettings
6. updateSettings


  • setFreePetChipRegistryUserName: FreePetChipRegistry user name (string)
  • enableFreePetChipRegistry: Enable FreePetChipRegistry registrations (string from values list)
  • disableMicrochipUserAlert: Disable the email alert to the volunteer concerning microchip registration (success or failure) (string from values list)
  • setMicrochipAlertEmails: Email address(es) to alert concerning microchip registration (success or failure) (string)



1. define
2. list

1. define


  • microchipVendors: Microchip Vendor (string)



1. define
2. publicView
3. view
4. publicSearch
5. search
6. add
7. edit
8. delete
9. getSettings
10. updateSettings


  • enableNewsarticles: Enable the News Articles feature (string from values list)



1. define
2. list
3. publicView
4. publicSearch


  • orgID: ID (key)
  • orgLocation: Location (postalcode)
  • orgName: Name (string)
  • orgAddress: Address (string)
  • orgCity: City (string)
  • orgState: State/Province (province)
  • orgPostalcode: Postal Code (postalcode)
  • orgPlus4: Plus 4 (string)
  • orgCountry: Country (key)
  • orgPhone: Phone (phone)
  • orgFax: Fax (phone)
  • orgEmail: Email (email)
  • orgWebsiteUrl: Url (url)
  • orgFacebookUrl: Facebook Url (url)
  • orgAdoptionUrl: Url (url)
  • orgDonationUrl: Url (url)
  • orgSponsorshipUrl: Url (url)
  • orgServeAreas: Serve Areas (string)
  • orgAdoptionProcess: Adoption Process (string)
  • orgAbout: About (string)
  • orgServices: Services (string)
  • orgMeetPets: Meet Pets (string)
  • orgType: Org Type (string from values list)
  • orgLocationDistance: Distance (int)
  • orgCommonapplicationAccept: Accepting common application submissions (string from values list)



1. define
2. list
3. search
4. view


  • outcomeID: Outcome ID (key)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit
7. change


  • outcomeID: Outcome ID (key)
  • outcomesAdoptionAnimalConditionID: Condition (key)
  • outcomesAdoptionDate: Date (datetime)
  • outcomesAdoptionNotes: Notes (string)
  • outcomesAdoptionAdoptionID: Adoption (key)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit
7. change


  • outcomeID: Outcome ID (key)
  • outcomesDeceasedAnimalConditionID: Condition ID (key)
  • outcomesDeceasedDate: Date (datetime)
  • outcomesDeceasedNotes: Notes (string)
  • outcomesDeceasedReason: Reason (string)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit
7. change


  • outcomeID: Outcome ID (key)
  • outcomesEuthanasiaAnimalConditionID: Condition (key)
  • outcomesEuthanasiaDate: Date (datetime)
  • outcomesEuthanasiaNotes: Notes (string)
  • outcomesEuthanasiaReasonID: Euthanasia Reason (key)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit
7. change


  • outcomeID: Outcome ID (key)
  • outcomesReleaseAnimalConditionID: Condition ID (key)
  • outcomesReleaseDate: Date (datetime)
  • outcomesReleaseNotes: Notes (string)
  • outcomesReleaseLocation: Location (string)
  • outcomesReleaseAddress: Street address (string)
  • outcomesReleaseCity: City (string)
  • outcomesReleaseState: State/Province (province)
  • outcomesReleasePostalcode: Postal Code (postalcode)
  • outcomesReleaseByID: Released By (key)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit
7. change


  • outcomeID: Outcome ID (key)
  • outcomesReturntoownerAnimalConditionID: Condition (key)
  • outcomesReturntoownerDate: Date (datetime)
  • outcomesReturntoownerNotes: Notes (string)
  • outcomesReturntoownerOwnerID: Return To (key)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit
7. change


  • outcomeID: Outcome ID (key)
  • outcomesTransferAnimalConditionID: Condition (key)
  • outcomesTransferDate: Date (datetime)
  • outcomesTransferNotes: Notes (string)
  • outcomesTransferReceiveID: Received by (key)
  • outcomesTransferCoalitionMember: Coalition member (string from values list)
  • outcomesTransferReasonID: Transfer reason (key)



1. define
2. view
3. search
4. request
5. getSettings
6. updateSettings


  • enablePartnerships: Enable the Partnerships feature (string from values list)
  • setPartnershipAlertEmailAddresses: Partnership alert email address(es) (string)



1. define
2. list

1. define


  • role: Role (string)



1. define
2. list
3. listRecent
4. listPending
5. publicCommonSubmit
6. search


  • submittedformID: ID (key)
  • submittedformAnimalID: Animal ID (key)
  • submittedformAssignedTo: Assigned To (string)
  • submittedformAssignedToID: Assigned To ID (key)
  • submittedformCommentsCount: Comments Count (int)
  • submittedformCommentsInline: Comments (string)
  • submittedformCompleted: Completed Date (date)
  • submittedformFormName: Form Name (string)
  • submittedformPending: Pending (string from values list)
  • submittedformStatus: Status (string from values list)
  • submittedformStatusID: Status ID (key)
  • submittedformStepsCount: Steps Count (int)
  • submitterID: ID (key)
  • submitterClass: Class (string from values list)
  • submitterSalutation: Salutation (string from values list)
  • submitterName: Name (string)
  • submitterFirstname: First name (string)
  • submitterLastname: Last name (string)
  • submitterTitle: Title (string)
  • submitterAddress: Street address (string)
  • submitterCity: City (string)
  • submitterState: State/Province (string)
  • submitterPostalcode: Postal Code (postalcode)
  • submitterPlus4: Zip code plus 4 (string)
  • submitterCounty: County (string)
  • submitterCountry: Country (key)
  • submitterPhoneHome: Home phone number (phone)
  • submitterPhoneWork: Work phone number (phone)
  • submitterPhoneWorkExt: Work phone extension (string)
  • submitterPhoneCell: Cell phone number (phone)
  • submitterFax: Fax number (phone)
  • submitterEmail: Email address (email)
  • submitterEmailAlt: Alternate email address (email)
  • submitterEmailPager: Pager email address (email)
  • submitterCompany: Company (string)
  • submitterReferredBy: Referred by (string)
  • submitterCarrier: Carrier (string)
  • submitterBounces: Number of bounced email messages (int)
  • submitterSendMail: Send mail (string from values list)
  • submitterActive: Active (string from values list)
  • submitterComment: Comment (string)
  • submitterTransportation: Transportation (string)
  • submitterAvailability: Availability (string)
  • submitterCaretakerPublic: Caretaker public (string from values list)
  • submitterCoalitionMember: Coalition member (string from values list)
  • submitterGroups: Groups (key)



1. define
2. list
3. getUserSetting
4. setUserSetting


  • settingDefaultAnimalTemplate: Default template to load when adding an animal (string)



1. define
2. publicSearch

1. define


  • testimonialID: Testimonial ID (key)
  • testimonialLocation: Location (string)
  • testimonialLocationDistance: Distance (string)
  • testimonialLocationCitystate: City, State (string)
  • testimonialService: Service (string)
  • testimonialUserFirstname: User first name (string)
  • testimonialCreatedDate: Date (date)
  • testimonialContent: Testimonial (string)



1. define
2. list
3. view
4. search
5. add
6. edit


  • userID: ID (key)
  • userLogin: Login (string)
  • userPassword: Password (string)
  • userSalutation: Salutation (string from values list)
  • userFirstname: First name (string)
  • userLastname: Last name (string)
  • userAddress: Street address (string)
  • userCity: City (string)
  • userState: State/Province (province)
  • userPostalcode: Postal Code (postalcode)
  • userPlus4: Zip code plus 4 (string)
  • userCountry: Country (key)
  • userPhoneHome: Home phone number (phone)
  • userPhoneWork: Work phone number (phone)
  • userPhoneWorkExt: Work phone extension (string)
  • userPhoneCell: Cell phone number (phone)
  • userFax: Fax number (phone)
  • userEmail: Email address (email)
  • userEmailAlt: Alternate email address (email)
  • userEmailPager: Pager email address (email)
  • userContactID: User Contact ID (key)



1. define
2. search
3. view
4. add
5. edit
6. delete


  • volunteerHoursID: Hours ID (key)



1. define
2. search
3. view
4. add
5. edit
6. delete


  • journalEntryID: Entry ID (key)



1. define
2. view
3. search
4. add
5. edit
6. delete


  • waitinglistID: Waiting List ID (key)



1. define
2. list
3. search
4. view
5. add
6. edit


  • webfileID: File ID (key)
  • webfileDescription: Description (string)
  • webfileStatus: Status (string from values list)
  • webfileDisplayInline: Inline (string from values list)
  • webfileRoleID: Security Role (key)



1. define
2. list
3. search
4. view
5. add
6. edit
7. delete


  • webimageID: Image ID (key)



1. define
2. list
3. publicView
4. view
5. publicSearch
6. search
7. add
8. edit


  • webpageID: Web Page ID (key)
  • webpageOrgID: Organization ID (key)
  • webpageName: Name (string)
  • webpageContent: Content (string)
  • webpageStatus: Status (string from values list)
  • webpageUselayout: Use Layout (string from values list)
  • webpageShowonmenu: Show on Menu (string from values list)
  • webpageMetaKeywords: Meta Keywords (string)
  • webpageMetaDescription: Meta Description (string)
  • webpageBackgroundImageID: Background Image (key)
  • webpageBackgroundImageFileName: Background Image (string)
  • webpageBackgroundMusicID: Background Music (key)
  • webpageBackgroundMusicFileName: Background Music (string)
  • webpageRoles: Roles (key)


  • webpageName: Name (string)
  • webpageContent: Content (string)
  • webpageStatus: Status (string from values list)
  • webpageUselayout: Use Layout (string from values list)
  • webpageShowonmenu: Show on Menu (string from values list)webpageMetaKeywords: Meta Keywords (string)
  • webpageMetaDescription: Meta Description (string)
  • webpageBackgroundImageID: Background Image (key)
  • webpageBackgroundMusicID: Background Music (key)
  • webpageRoleID: Security Role (key)


  • webpageID: Web Page ID (key)
  • webpageName: Name (string)
  • webpageContent: Content (string)
  • webpageStatus: Status (string from values list)
  • webpageUselayout: Use Layout (string from values list)
  • webpageShowonmenu: Show on Menu (string from values list)
  • webpageMetaKeywords: Meta Keywords (string)
  • webpageMetaDescription: Meta Description (string)
  • webpageBackgroundImageID: Background Image (key)
  • webpageBackgroundMusicID: Background Music (key)
  • webpageRoleID: Security Role (key)



1. define
2. getSettings
3. updateSettings


  • enableWebsiteDown: Website down for maintenance (string from values list)setWebsiteMetaKeywords: This string of words is used by search engines to find your site (string)
  • disableWebsiteFavoriteEmails: Disable user email alerts for Favorite Animals and Breeds (string from values list)
  • enableWebsitePetfinderHomePageUpload: Upload website home page as Petfinder web page (string from values list)
  • setWebsiteSlogan: Website slogan (string)
  • setWebsiteMenuSource: Website menu source (key)
  • setWebsiteIndexPageID: Custom front page (key)
  • enableWebsiteFrontPageLogo: Display Logo on front page (string from values list)
  • enableWebsiteFrontPageNews: Show the latest News articles on the front page (string from values list)
  • enableWebsiteFrontPageEvents: Show upcoming Events on the front page (string from values list)
  • enableWebsiteFrontPageHighlightedAnimals: Show highlighted animals on the front page (string from values list)
  • setWebsiteFrontPageNumberOfHighlightedAnimals: Number of highlighted animals to show on the front page (int)
  • setWebsiteFrontPageHighlightedAnimalsDescriptionLength: Amount of highlighted animals' description to show on the front page (int)
  • enableWebsiteRescueGroupsPoweredByImage: Show the Powered by image (string from values list)
  • enableWebsiteMenuLogoutUsername: Show the user name on the menu next to the Logout option (string from values list)
  • enableWebsiteLastUpdated: Show the date/time the website was last updated (string from values list)
  • setWebsiteAnimalPictureMode: Set the animal picture mode (string from values list)
  • setWebsiteAnimalPictureAnimalID: Select the animal for the Featured animal picture (key)
  • enableWebsiteAnimalSearchBox: Show the animal seach box (string from values list)
  • enableWebsiteSideBarAddress: Show mailing address on the side bar (string from values list)
  • enableWebsiteEmailFriend: Show Email Page to a Friend (string from values list)
  • enableWebsiteShareButton: Show share button (string from values list)
  • enableWebsiteSparky: Show the DogTime Sparky widget (string from values list)
  • setWebsiteSideBarWidth: Set the side bar width (int)
  • enableWebsiteLogo: Show logo (string from values list)
  • setWebsiteBackgroundImageID: Set the background image (key)
  • enableAnimalMeet: Enable the Meet Request feature (string from values list)
  • enableWebsiteContactUsForm: Enable the Contact Us form (string from values list)
  • setWebsiteAnimalBrowseLayout: Animal Browse page layout (string from values list)
  • setWebsiteAnimalBrowsePanelWidth: Set the animal browse panel width (int)
  • setWebsiteAnimalBrowsePanelColumns: Animal Browse page columns (int from values list)
  • setWebsiteAnimalBrowseAnimalsPerPage: Animal Browse page number of animals (int from values list)
  • setWebsiteAnimalBrowseLimit: Animal limit (int from values list)
  • disableWebsiteAnimalBrowseCourtesyListings: Hide courtesy listings on browse/list page (string from values list)
  • showWebsiteAnimalBrowseSponsorshipLink: Show sponsorship link on the browse page (string from values list)
  • setWebsiteAnimalBrowseDescriptionLength: How much of each animal's description to display (int)
  • setWebsiteAnimalBrowseFields: (string)
  • enableAnimalAdoptions: List Animals available for adoption (string from values list)
  • setAnimalDetailPageStyle: Animal detail page layout (string from values list)
  • enableAnimalDetailPagePopover: Use a popover to display animal details (string from values list)
  • enableAnimalDetailPageShareButton: Show the Animal detail page share button (string from values list)
  • disableAnimalDetailPageAdoptionInfoLink: Disable the Animal detail page Adoption Information link (string from values list)
  • disableAnimalDetailPageAdoptionInfoLinkCourtesy: Disable the Animal detail page Adoption Information link on courtesy animals (string from values list)
  • showAnimalDetailPageDogTimeContent: Show DogTime content on the Animal detail page (string from values list)
  • showAnimalDetailPageDogTimeSaveaDog: Show a link on the Animal detail page to Save-a-Dog or Save-a-Cat on DogTime (string from values list)
  • setAnimalDetailPageEventsLimit: How many Events to show on the Animal detail page (string from values list)
  • showAnimalDetailPageAdoptMeSayings: Show the Adopt Me sayings on the Animal detail page (string from values list)
  • disableAnimalDetailPageMyRescue: Disable the My Rescue box on the Animal detail page (string from values list)
  • disableAnimalFlyer: Disable the link to the Petbond Animal adoption flyer (string from values list)
  • disableAnimalFavoriteCount: Disable the Animal favorite count (string from values list)
  • disableAnimalSuccessesPublic: Disable public access to the Animal successes (string from values list)
  • disableAnimalStories: Disable Animal success stories (string from values list)
  • showAnimalTransferredWithSuccesses: Show transferred Animals with successes (string from values list)
  • showAnimalLinks: Show Animal links (string from values list)
  • showAnimalHomePageHighlighted: Show Highlighted Animals on the Animal Home Page (string from values list)
  • enableAnimalImageBorder: Set the Animal image border (string from values list)
  • setAnimalImageBorderStyle: Set the Animal image border style (string from values list)
  • setAnimalImageBorderColor: Set the Animal image border color (string)
  • setAnimalImageMatteColor: Set the Animal image matte color (string)
  • disableAnimalDescriptionVideo: Disable videos in Animal descriptions (string from values list)
  • enableAnimalDescriptionVideoLink: Use a link instead of embedding the video in Animal descriptions (string from values list)
  • enableAnimalKennelcardPrintAuto: Automatically print the Animal Kennel Card (string from values list)
  • showAnimalKennelcardJournalEntries: Show journal entries on the kennel card (string from values list)
  • showAnimalKennelcardJournalCost: Show cost on the kennel card (string from values list)
  • disableAnimalAgeBestEstimate: Disable the message that animal ages are best estimates (string from values list)
