Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titleWhere do I find it?

There are two ways to add animal journal entries.

From the Home page, go to Animals > Journal Entries > and then click the Add a Journal Entry button.

From an animal's detail page, click Journal Entries. Then click the Add a Journal Entry for this Animal button.

Once you've clicked Add a Journal Entry from the journal entry list, the following form below displays. 

Note that there are two journal entries, and the first one is for Baby Face because after Furson. After we created the first entry, we clicked Add Another.  When you click Add Another in the Journal Entry page, you add another entry for a different animal.  

Baby   Baby is animal ID #1, and the new blank form is labeled Animal ID #2.  All of the animals that you add journal entries for in one sitting will display one after the other, with the entries consecutively numbered When

In contrast, when you are in the animal's Journal Entry page and click Add Another, in contrast, it adds another entry Another another entry is added for that animal. 

See Adding a Journal Entry from the animal detail page in this section to see the difference in how the Add Another button works in the two different sections.


  • Animal: This field identifies the animal for which you want to add a journal entry.  Click the down arrow at the right of the field for Animal ID # to get the drop-down list of all your active animals.  Select from the list the animal to which the new journal entry belongs. 
  • Date: Select the date of the animal journal entry.  As with all data tables, the calendar icon on the left is used for selecting a date, and the calendar page on the right is for today's date.
  • Entry Type: Select the type of journal entry from the list of all of your journal entries that you have added.
  • Cost: Type in the cost of the journal entry.  Enter $0.00 for an entry that has no cost.


If there is no cost for the activity mentioned in the journal entry, be sure to enter $0.00 for the cost.

  • Comment: Enter any comment regarding the journal entry, such as the name of the veterinarian to whom you took the animal for an exam, or comments about the vet visit.
  • Reminder Date: Select the date to send a reminder.
  • Due Date: Select a date that the activity in this journal entry is due again.  For instance, the date the next vaccination of this type is due.


When you add a journal entry from the animal's detail page, the name of the animal is filled out automatically.  Below is the form for Baby, the same animal we saw in the examples above.  When adding a journal entry from the animal's detail page and then clicking the Add Another button, an additional journal entry form for this the same animal, in this case, Baby, appears.  This form is for a different journal entry for the animal you are working with, not a form for a journal entry for a different animal.


To delete a journal entry, select the checkbox next to the journal entry, no matter how you arrived at the entry listing, and select Delete from the Actions drop-down list.  An "Are you sure" message will pop up.  Check OK.  
