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Search engine optimization or SEO is not one technique, but a combination of many to push your website into the top search results in free searches (you can also pay to have your website appear at the top of the search results). 

Online resources and books explain SEO and can help you increase the number of site visitors from searches.

This is an ever-evolving topic. There are many online resources and books that explain Search Engine Optimization and can provide tips.



Table of Contents

How do I get my site to appear in search engines?

While this is constantly changing, a good overview is that this is a combination of having the search engines crawl and index your site, as well as optimizing the content on your site. It is a good idea to read through the help items from the major search engines.

Here is more information from:



Sign Up for Google's Webmaster Tools

Verify Your Site in Google's Webmaster Tools

You can verify your site by adding an HTML meta tag to Website > HTML Head/

To do this, please follow Google's instructions for getting your HTML meta tag.

Be sure to use the Alternate Methods and select HTML Tag.

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Next add this meta tag to your website:


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Now, return to Google Web Master Tools. Click Verify.

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Add Google Analytics to your Website

With Google Analytics, you can see which pages people view the most, where they came from (search engine, other websites), which pages they viewed, how long they stayed on each page and how they navigate through your website.

In Google:

In your account:

  • Log into
  • Click on Website > Affiliates
  • Next to Google Analytics, paste in the code.
  • Click Enable Google Analytics for Website
  • Click Save Affiliates

More Search Engine Optimization Tips

Optimize your Web Page Content


Search engines no longer place a high value on keywords in the meta area, instead they place more relevance on having those keywords or keyword phrases appearing organically on your page. There is a rule of thumb to how those should be used - it needs to be natural. You don't want to over use your keywords/keyword phrases or you could get penalized.

Formatting text on a page.

  • Use Heading tags to emphasize important text.
    • Heading 1 (most important) Heading 2, Heading 3, etc, with Heading 6 the least important.
    • Use headings sparingly across the page. Use heading tags where it makes sense. Too many heading tags on a page can make it hard for users to scan the content and determine where one topic ends and another begins. Headings act like an organization tool for readers. For example:

      • Learn How You Can Help
        • Volunteer
        • Foster
    • You can customize the look/feel of heading tags using CSS (style sheets).
  • Use bold, italicize,
  • bullet point text.

Write better anchor text

Anchor text is what tells users and Google something about the page you're linking to.

  • Avoid using "click here", instead write better anchor text like "Click here to learn more about 13th Street Cat Rescue"


  • Use Alt and title tags for Images on your pages

Optimize your Web Page Titles

When you type into Google (or other search engines), the title of your page plays an important role in what viewers see.

The title of the page is the first part of what a viewer sees in the search results. You want to make it clear what the page is about so a viewer will quickly know if that is the page they are looking for. Google also uses this information when indexing your page and ranking your page.

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  • To edit this, go to your Web Pages List, click on the Settings Icon. It looks like a little cog on the left.

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  • Edit the Name* of your page.
  • Page title contents are displayed in search results. Use brief, but descriptive titles. Titles can be both short and informative. If the title is too long, Google will show only a portion of it in the search result. If you keep your titles under 55 characters, you can expect at least 95% of your titles to display properly.

  • In my example, I have a  page titles with the name of the page then the pipe symbol and then the rescue's name.

  • The pipe symbol is three keys to the right of the P on your keyboard.

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Add Meta Description's for Each Web Page

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The excerpt below if from the Google SEO Starter Guide pdf.

  • Use unique descriptions for each page.
  • The description should optimally be between 150-160 characters.
  • Use this to provide both search engines and users with a summary of what your page is about.
  • Avoid: using a single description meta tag across all of your site's pages or a large group of pages

Custom URL's, Google-friendly URLs


While the website service does not support customizing the urls, you can have great SEO results by following the rest of the tips and suggestions.

You can use Page Forwarders for marketing materials and easy to type in urls. More on Page Forwarders.

Sign up for Google's Adword's Grant

What is Google Ad Grants?

Google Ad Grants is the nonprofit edition of AdWords, Google's online advertising tool. Google Ad Grants empowers nonprofit organizations, through $10,000 per month in in-kind AdWords™ advertising, to promote their missions and initiatives on

Open Graph

The Open Graph Protocol enables you to integrate your Web pages into the social graph. The structured data you provide via the Open Graph Protocol defines how your page will be represented on Facebook. Open Graph tags are added to your Website via Meta Tags.The type of tags used should represent the content of the page. For example, Your home page tags would contain content about the site as a whole, while tags on a event page or blog post would focus on the nature of the story.

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