Using a data table, you can determine which fields to show in your view of the data. Like any spreadsheet, a data table can be manipulated to hide some information and highlight other information. By creating a custom data table view you can decide what information is displayed in the data table.  The view specifies the fields to display, the order the data should be shown, and which records should be shown.

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Data Table Views allow you to customize and quickly change the information that is displayed in a data table.

You can share your views with others in your group, add filters to views, and even export the data from your view to a CSV (comma-separated values) file.

Explanation of the data table menu



Change the current data table view (using drop-down menu)

Select a different data table view

Add / Edit a View


Create or edit a new view for use with the current data table



Will open search fields for that view.



Click on the headings to quickly sort the data.
For additional sorting, you can apply a filter to your data table.



Show more, show less, show max, export data

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