
I'm attempting to send a request like the one below and am getting the error "The action you specified was not found". I've been successful with authenticated requests for private searches so am confident I'm getting and sending a valid token and tokenHash. Am I missing something, or is add no longer supported?

  "token": "{{token}}",
  "tokenHash": "{{tokenHash}}",
  "objectType": "animals",
  "objectAction": "add",
  "values": [
      "animalName": "Test",
      "animalSpeciesID": "Cat",
      "animalPrimaryBreedID": "63",
      "animalStatusID": "6",
      "animalDescription": "test"
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    1 answer



      Yes, adding animals is still supported.  Since the message is that the Action wasn't found (and not an authentication error) I would guess that the user that you used to create the token does not have permissions to add animals.

      You could test this by using that same token and tokenHash to make a call with objectAction = define.  That will return information about all of the actions on the animals objectType that the user has access to do.

      If you need more help feel free to open a support ticket.


      1. Tim Duncan

        I should probably pay more attention to the response from a define request. If an action doesn't show up, I should probably not assume that means the action is "hidden" but still usable. I thought it might be permissions, but I was starting from the contact linked to my login and getting distracted by the contact groups. With my brain turned on today realized I needed to look at the login, found the role assignments and now it all makes more sense. Thanks.

      2. yuxinshi

        Hi Richard,

        Do you solve your problem? I came through the same problem. I cannot find "add" action in "define" message.  I don't know why... 

        Thank you!

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